Not only that the market has slowed down considerably, there were many changes within our organization, including new management members, different organization structures and processes.
Despite the challenges, everyone work towards the common goal for a better Sompo.
We closed 2015 with strong premium growth (+21%) and our profits was solid (+67%).
Among the changes, was also the change in company name to Sompo Insurance Indonesia on April 1st 2016. This was necessary to aligned ourselves to Sompo Group, allowing us to leverage on a common global brand.
In June 2016, we were surprised to be named Best Performing Company in our segment by both Infobank Media (for GWP above 1 trillion) and Media Asuransi (for Equity between 250 billion and 500 billion) for 2015.
It is a good feedback for Sompo. It helped everyone to see the efforts is really helping to create a stronger company.
All though 2016, the fighting spirit is continuing.
We believe we are on the right track to be a top 10 company very soon.
We hope that everyone in the company share our thoughts.
We enjoy working together to serve our customers, including business partners.
We enjoy being part of team Sompo.