Seino Holdings and the Salim group of Indonesia alliance logistics business |

Seino Holdings and Salim Group Indonesia, an alliance in the logistics business in Indonesia. It will be to continue to expand the logistics business, and established a joint venture company by this alliance.
The purpose of this joint venture, because logistics business was increased in Indonesia, and is to meet the consumer needs by production base of the leading manufacturers of the world is increasing. Other some purpose, for example, in the ASEAN region ASEAN Economic Community for the purpose of formation of a single market (AEC) is established in 2015 and outlook.
Seino Holdings and the Salim Group, established itself as a high-quality track service same alliance company in Indonesia.
other news, Marubeni, announced that has signed a long-term power purchase agreement.
Based on this purpose, PT.CSM Corporatama of Seino Holdings and the Salim Group, established a logistics joint venture and business support joint venture company in Indonesia, to start a logistics business. In addition, the logistics joint venture, with the support of IT such as from business support joint venture, plans to operate a logistics business.